Considering my knitting speed, seriously, it is not very likely, I would knit something especially for pregnancy. By the time, I pick up a project, loose sight, pick it up again and so forth, it could happen that the child is in high-school before I finish.
Although, had I known, I would be pregnant for almost four years altogether within ten years, maybe I would have given it a try!
There are, however, a few beloved patterns, that can be worn and recommended with or without baby bump. You guessed it: The Shalom Cardigan and the Tea Leaves, that I am wearing on the pictures. (Yes, pregnant back then, but almost unnoticed!)
I've been making this one with handspun yarn from sheep that a friend held.
Do you know any similar patterns?
Otherwise, obviously, I love to knit baby stuff especially during the last months. I appreciate those tiny projects, that are finished so quickly. Like Ginny's Newborn Hat, a couple of Puerperium Cardigans in different sizes and handful of these NATURKINDER Pants, which still fit our one year old. Been making a few more with Rosy Green Yarn and will show you soon. And I am also almost finished with the Honey Baby Cardigan.
Starting to read The End of Growth: Adapting to our New Economic Reality by Richard Heinberg whom I heard of in a documentary about this topic.
Ihr Lieben, ich werd so oft gefragt und geb die Frage an Euch weiter:
Hat jemand von Euch die Tea Leaves Anleitung auf Deutsch übersetzt oder eine solche mal gefunden?
Ich liebe diese Jacke. Mit und ohne Bauch. Es wär mir nie eingefallen, auch angesichts meines Schneckenstricktempos, etwas speziell für die Schwangerschaft zu stricken. Da kommt so eine offene Jacke gerade recht und ich stürze mich lieber auf kleine Projekte, wo die Wahrscheinlichkeit grösser ist, dass sie fertig werden, bevor das Kind eingeschult ist!
Zum Beispiel Ginny's Newborn Hat oder die Puerperium Cardigans oder NATURKINDER Hosen, die sogar noch unserem Einjährigen passen. Der honigfarbene Baby Cardigan ist auch fast fertig, juhu! (Mein meistgezwitschertes und geinstagramtes Strickprojekt, glaub ich.)
4 Kommentare
Two of my favourite patterns as well. Love it in that creamy shade. That book sounds interesting – similar to one I was reading this week.
I’ve been knitting for baby even though I’m not pregnant yet. (Hopefully someday soon!) Trying to get ahead of the game! 🙂
How clever of you! 🙂
Another good one is Less is More by Amy King. It features handspun yarn in color gradation but it could be adapted for any kind of yarn. And you could put a closure at the top for the growing belly/baby 🙂