Well, as you can see from our latest post, it has been more christmassy than anything else around here this Easter.
Of course we’ve been outside but we did spend a few cosy days inside, enjoying the holidays; snuggling up on the sofa, playing, crafting. Not to forget knitting and reading. I’ve been to the library a few times, carrying home board games and books for the whole family.
This one, though, i brought home from the recycling depot.
„Das Grosse Buch der Handarbeiten“. The big book of Handcrafting, printed in 1976.
How could I have left it there? And yes, apart from all the inspiration that comes from it, it is quite funny to partially read it, baring in mind that it has been written almost 40 years ago!
Handcrafting is back in fashion. Looking closer it has been in fashion all the time. Not only young girls have been discovering their love for the Handmade – lately even men rank Handcrafting amongst their hobbies. […] Handcrafting offers a balance to the pressure of everyday life and your own phantasy and creativity can unfold.
Browsing through the book, this page hit my eye mostly. Do you remember these? It made me think that I had one of those knitted skirts as well. My mother made it in a light pink tone.
Interesting, I thought, how the pleads are achieved by what read like a simple pattern…
I might have to try this.
Don’t worry. I did not go looking for yarn in those colours. It did take me a while though to find some in the desired quality and colour.
The pattern is as simple as effective (although the mind should not wonder far) but as you increase, the work get’s a bit tough; over 500 stitches in the round.
However, it could have even be finished for the Easter Holidays. If I didn’t have to unravel it at this point:
Working with a set of circular needles, starting from the top I wasn’t sure about the width. Turns out the skirt could have fit ME instead of our daughter.
Finish it? Have it lay around for a couple of years? Unravel it?
I started anew. The next Easter is coming for sure. Or the next Christmas in this case.
And the next Yarn Along as well. To tell you how it went this time.
Wie hätte ich dieses Buch, auf dem Wertstoffhof entdeckt, zurücklassen können? „Das große Buch der Handarbeiten“ aus dem Jahre 1976. Neben seinem hohen Unterhaltungswert bietet es Inspiration auf allen Gebieten der Handarbeit, wenn man sie in unsere Zeit übersetzt.
Angesprungen haben mich gleich die „Faltenröckchen“. Erinnert Ihr Euch? Ich hatte auch mal so einen. Und 30 Jahre später versuche ich einen für unsere Tochter zu stricken. Aber halt nicht „…mit Trägern in bunten Ringeln gestrickt“.
Nachdem ich endlich die passende Wolle gefunden habe, habe ich gleich drauf losgestrickt. Beinah wär das Röckchen zu Ostern fertig gewesen, aber ich musste es wieder auftrennen; es hätte MIR gepasst. Aber wie Ihr seht, ist bei uns eh Kuschelwetter und so bin ich auch mit dem zweiten Anlauf schon ein Stück weiter.
Das nächste Ostern kommt bestimmt.
Oder Weihnachten in dem Fall.